The two data structures in.NET, Span<T> and List<T>, have different functions and features, particularly with regard to memory management and performance. Depending on the use case, I'll discuss the differences and offer insights into which is better for performance below. Note: If you are a Java fan, you should think of Span as an array and List as an ArrayList. In Java, Span<T> and List<T> are comparable to Arrays and ArrayList.

Memory Management

  • Span<T>
    • Span<T> is a stack-only structure that provides a view over a contiguous block of memory (such as an array, memory from the stack, or a portion of an existing array).
    • It does not own the memory but rather operates over existing memory, meaning it does not allocate memory on the heap.
    • Span<T> Is lightweight and efficient because it doesn't involve allocations or resizing, and it is used for scenarios where you need to work with slices of arrays or memory buffers without making copies.
  • List<T>
    • List<T> is a heap-allocated collection that dynamically manages a resizable array under the hood.
    • It manages its memory by growing the internal array as needed when new items are added, which incurs allocation and copy costs.
    • List<T> Has a lot of flexibility in terms of adding, removing, and accessing elements, but this comes with overhead due to heap allocations and resizing.

Mutability and Resizing

  • Span<T>
    • Span<T> cannot be resized. It represents a fixed-size view of existing memory. You cannot add or remove elements from a, only modify the elements within the given range.
    • If you need to add or remove elements dynamically, Span<T> is not suitable, but it excels in scenarios where the size is fixed and known in advance.
  • List<T>
    • List<T> is dynamically resizable, making it convenient for scenarios where the number of elements is unknown or changes frequently.
    • However, resizing comes with performance costs, as it requires allocating a new array and copying over the elements whenever the capacity of the list is exceeded.


  • Span<T>
    • Faster for fixed-size data manipulation: Since Span<T> avoids heap allocations and runs directly on existing memory, it can be faster than List<T> for operations like slicing arrays or working with buffers.
    • Minimal overhead: Because Span<T> is designed to work with stack-allocated data or fixed-length buffers, there is virtually no memory overhead, making it more efficient for memory-constrained operations.
    • Ideal for scenarios where the performance of accessing and manipulating in-memory data is critical (e.g., high-performance applications like games, parsers, or real-time systems).


  • More overhead due to dynamic resizing: Each time List<T> Grows beyond its current capacity, it has to allocate a larger array and copy elements, which impacts performance, especially in scenarios with frequent additions.
  • Despite these costs, List<T> is still performant for general use cases where dynamic size changes are necessary, and the slight performance overhead is acceptable.
  • Access to elements in a List<T> (indexer-based access) is very fast (O(1) time complexity), but modifications that require resizing (like Add, Remove) can incur extra costs.

Use Cases

  • Span<T>
    • High-performance scenarios: Span<T> Is designed for performance-critical code, such as working with buffers, memory manipulation, or slices of arrays where dynamic allocation and copying should be avoided.
    • Memory-efficient processing: If you're working with large datasets (e.g., image processing, networking buffers) where you just need to process data and not store it permanently, Span<T> is a good choice.
    • Fixed-size operations: If you have data that won’t change in size (e.g., you’re reading data into an array and just want to operate on parts of it), Span<T> is perfect.
  • List<T>
    • Dynamic collection handling: List<T> Is great when you need to manage a collection whose size changes over time. It’s ideal for situations where elements are frequently added or removed.
    • General-purpose collection: List<T> Is a high-level data structure that offers a lot of functionality out of the box, such as sorting, searching, and collection-wide operations like ForEach.
    • Higher-level use cases: If performance isn’t the absolute top priority and you need a flexible collection that grows and shrinks, List<T> is the better choice.

Memory Safety and Stack Limitations

  • Span<T>
    • Span<T> operates on stack memory, so it's constrained by the stack size of the thread. Stack sizes are typically much smaller than heap sizes, so you can't store large data in Span<T>.
    • However, Span<T> Can also reference heap-allocated arrays without copying them. But for stack-allocated spans (like stackalloc), large allocations can lead to stack overflow exceptions.
  • List<T>
    • Since List<T> is heap-allocated, it is not constrained by the stack size. You can store significantly larger amounts of data in a List<T>, although at the cost of dynamic memory management.

Safety and Lifetime Constraints

  • Span<T>
    • Lifespan constraints: Span<T> Is meant to be short-lived and cannot be stored on the heap, which limits its use outside of local scopes.
    • Stack Safety: You can't return a Span<T> from a method if it's referencing stack-allocated memory, as that memory would no longer be valid once the method returns.
  • List<T>
    • No such lifespan restrictions exist in List<T>, as it’s stored on the heap. This makes it easier to pass between methods and store in-class fields.

Span<T> vs List<T>

Aspect Span<T> List<T>
Memory Allocation Stack-allocated or a slice of existing memory Heap-allocated, dynamically resizable array
Resizing Fixed-size (non-resizable) Dynamically resizable
Performance Faster for fixed-size, in-memory operations Slower due to resizing and heap allocations
Use Cases High-performance scenarios, low-level memory access General-purpose dynamic collections
Context Short-lived, stack-constrained Long-lived, heap-allocated
Memory Safety Stack-safe, cannot be heap-allocated No stack constraints, heap-based
Thread Safety It can be used safely for memory slices Not inherently thread-safe without synchronization

When to Choose Span<T> or List<T>?

  • Choose Span<T>
    • If you are working with slices of memory or arrays and need maximum performance with minimal memory overhead.
    • If you know the size of the data and don’t need the collection to grow or shrink dynamically.
    • For high-performance applications (e.g., parsers, network buffers, game engines).
  • Choose List<T>
    • If you need a dynamic, resizable collection where elements will be added and removed frequently.
    • If you need the convenience of built-in operations like searching, sorting, and enumerating.
    • This is for general-purpose applications where performance is important but not critical.

For performance-critical operations involving fixed-size memory manipulation, Span<T> offers significant advantages because it avoids the overhead of heap allocations and resizes. However, if you need flexibility in a dynamic collection, List<T> is more appropriate, even though it has additional overhead.